An Enterprise-Grade Upgrade To Your IT Ecosystem

Rather than dealing with a cumbersome and precarious spaghetti architecture, Integray offers a structured approach to integrations, bringing order and stability. It enables efficient control, making the process of replacing or adding systems incomparably easier.


Integrate All Your Systems And Gain Unprecedented Control Over Data Transfer

Integration platform connecting all your systems.

It enables you to connect and oversee all data flows throughout your company, seamlessly integrating company systems, applications, and data sources. You can transform data on the fly or manage the integration queue and priorities.

Tailored for Enterprise-Grade Integrations.

Integray was crafted for IT experts tasked with managing business-critical integrations, freeing them from the hassle of resolving data errors across multiple systems. Integray provides real-time control over all integrations, empowering you to maintain oversight and efficiency.

Ready for any systems. Even proprietary ones.

Regardless of the systems you possess, Integray excels in integrating them all, even accommodating highly specialized ones with ready-made connectors. With equal ease, you can connect both cloud-based and on-premise systems.


Integrations Have Always Been Integral To Our Projects

That’s why we are accustomed to creating integration middleware that fully supports critical data flows across businesses.

Analysing Your IT Landscape

We are ready to delve into the systems and data sources within your company, understanding their roles in your business processes. Typically, we engage in discussions about your needs, goals, and expectations, analyzing the integration options provided by the systems, enabling us to design the optimal solution for you.

Designing The Future-proof Solution

With your business and processes at the forefront of our considerations, we craft a solution ready to support both your current and future needs, ensuring that you have access to accurate and relevant data when and where you need it. This is all done with full regard for your existing systems and any limitations they may present.

Monitoring & Maintaining

With Integray, you can proactively prevent issues before they impact regular users, thanks to its advanced monitoring and analytical features. By steering clear of spaghetti architecture, you can effortlessly swap out any system. Moreover, with its user-friendly interface and extensive knowledge base, you can manage platform maintenance and extensions in-house with your IT department, should you choose to do so.


Who Is Already Using Integray

  • ERP roll-out of global solution to CEE in Scania
  • Digitalization of Mailroom and Contract Management in SUDOP
  • Pharmacy Network Management in Benu
  • Management Of Special Assets in Mondi
  • Eurowag Automated Fuel Purchasing Process
  • Xeelo for Contracted Service Management in Scania


What People Are Saying

Integray provides integrations for our complex IT landscape and links smoothly different systems together, although they are built on various platforms and technologies. Thanks to it’s a low-code solution, we always get a very fast and reliable integrations for the new systems, that we want to include our process flow. Integray plays a key role in the processes we digitized in Scania.

Robert Saranszky

Head of Digitalization and Shared Services


I was positively surprised how fast the system was ready to use, despite our complex processes and requirements, Intelligent Studios configured the first version within just one month. I appreciate the flexibility and speed of adaptation of Xeelo, its user friendliness and the control and transparency that Xeelo gives us over our Purchase to Pay Processes.

Tomas Jirasek

Chief Financial Officer



Useful Features For Your Hassle-free Integrations

Integray offers enterprise-grade features designed to streamline your operations and seamlessly handle all integrations as if they didn’t exist.

  • Synoptic realtime dashboard 

  • Analytical functions to prevent issues

  • Rich error-handling features
  • Rich data transformation capabilities
  • Management of data queue
  • Integration priorities & order settings

  • Broad range of ready-made connectors
  • Python, JS, SQL, Node.JS support and more
  • Secure connection of on-prem & cloud-based systems


Ready For Massive Volumes

Operations per second
Bandwith per second